Projects or organisations that provide emergency or affordable food. Including; Food Banks, Community Pantries or Shops, Community Cafes, Batch Cook projects and school holiday activities

Feeding Derbyshire will:

  • Maintain a directory of food providers across Derbyshire and include Provider Member details in the directory to enable swift signposting/referrals
  • Provide network members with regular and meaningful information
  • Maintain a website including useful tools and resources
  • Raise awareness of issues affecting the Derbyshire food sector and campaign on its behalf
  • Facilitate regular themed events/workshops just for Provider Members
  • Coordinate sub groups of Providers e.g.Food Banks
  • Facilitate partnership working between providers and other support organisations
  • Look for opportunities to coordinate resources between providers e.g. food, storage.
  • Support new projects to address gaps in provision and/or pilot new approaches
  • Create opportunities to share learning and inform policy and practice
Provider Members are asked to:
  • Support Feeding Derbyshire and other network members in its aims to address to food insecurity
  • Work with Feeding Derbyshire to keep your information on the food directory up to date
  • Promote Feeding Derbyshire and encourage others to join the network
  • Provide feedback to inform the ongoing development of Feeding Derbyshire
  • Have appropriate policies and procedures (including GDPR, safeguarding and health and safety, insurance)
  • Provide ongoing support and training for staff and volunteers (including food hygiene)
  • On request, provide data and case studies to enable Feeding Derbyshire to get a county wide picture of the demand food projects face and the impact they make