Your mental health

Worries about money, debt and housing can put a serious strain on your mental wellbeing. If you are over 18 years of age and need someone to talk to, please contact one of these free Derbyshire NHS self-referral agencies.

Talking Mental Health Derbyshire  Tel: 0300 123 0542

Everyturn Healthcare  Tel: 0300 555 5582

Vitaminds  Tel: 0333 0153 496

Trent PTS  01332 265 659

Samaritans  116 123

P3 Mental Health Triage

This service offers a free 24/7 helpline for people in Derbyshire and Derby City who require advice about mental health.

Based within the Derbyshire Mental Health Triage Hub, trained P3 support staff are on hand to answer calls from members of the public.

We tailor our response to each caller's situation. This may include:

 Listening, advice and guidance

  • Practical support ideas
  • De-escalation of crisis
  • Encouragement to explore self-help options
  • Community-based resources which may be able to help
  • Onward referrals and a follow-up call if required

Our first response will be to try to avoid the need for a clinical intervention where possible; however, we are working alongside NHS clinical staff who can give advice or take ownership of calls where this is needed. 

 Who we support:

Support is available to people of any age living in Derbyshire/Derby City and experiencing mental health difficulties or concerns.

The number to reach this service is 

(Freephone) 0800 028 0077

Mental Health and Money Advice

Mental Health & Money Advice is the first UK-wide service to combine support for both mental health and financial problems. They are here for anyone with a mental illness who is struggling with their money, as well as anyone whose financial problems are affecting their mental health.

If you, or someone you know, is having a mental health crisis

Please see the advice below given by Derbyshire County Council:

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal there are people you can talk to:

  • Speak to a friend, family member or someone you trust
  • Call the Derbyshire Mental Health Support Line on 0800 028 0077 (7 days a week, 9am to midnight).
  • Call the free Samaritans 24-hour support service on telephone 116 123 or contact Samaritans online
  • Use the Staying Safe website for support, information and making your own safety plan
  • Contact NHS 111, though be aware of delays in accessing this service
  • Make an urgent appointment to see your GP, who may be operating a call back service
  • Ring 999
  • If you require urgent medical intervention go to your nearest emergency department, though be aware that there are increased demands on and transmission risks in emergency departments at this time.

For information about financial support and advice services in Derbyshire, please follow this link.