What We Do Help With Finances MyPetChild MyPetChild is a financial assistance directory, where you can find a list of non-profit organizations and veterinary hospitals that offer financial support to pet owners who are facing financial difficulties. If you are a pet owner facing financial difficulties, MyPetChild want to let you know that there could be a support system around you. There are animal hospitals that offer medical care at a discounted price (or even free in some cases). There are non-profit organizations like animal food banks that give away pet food and supplies for free. You can use their directory to find them. RAD thought this might be helpful for some of the residents in Derbyshire that are having a hard time caring for their pets due to the effects of the pandemic. Some of the organisations MyPetChild list may also be able to offer emergency support. If this would help yourself or somebody you know, please follow the link below to find out more. MyPetChild Manage Cookie Preferences