Who We Are Our Partners Oil Buying Scheme Partners Oil The Community Oil Buying Scheme works with Olive (trading name of eSmartMetrics Ltd), a small company based in Carsington to provide an efficient and competitive oil buying option for anyone in Derbyshire relying on kerosese to for their heating, hot water and or cooking. RAD and Olive launched the new internet based system in October 2015. Olive run the website and negotiate with the suppliers. They have also developed a 'smart' oil tank sensor/smart meter that links via the internet to your computer giving you an extensive range of information on your oil usage. If set up to pay for your oil buy direct debit, there is also a facility to set up automatic oil orders so you have peace of mind you will never run out. The scheme couldn't work without the involvement of a number of oil suppliers that can deliver to properties throughout Derbyshire. These suppliers work with us to provide our members with the best possible price for oil. Manage Cookie Preferences