Updates for farmers and the wider rural community

Alan Griggs keeps in touch with the rural and farming community across Derbyshire in many different ways. He regularly attends the Livestock Market in Bakewell, he joins in with the social group meetings in the north and south of the country and he makes visits to farms.  He has even been known to help out with the milking and assisting with some shepherding.  

Social Media

In addition to Alan and his wider team of Stella, Emily and the growing number of volunteers getting out and about, they are also dipping their toe into the big wide world of social media.  They can be 'followed' and 'liked' through the accounts below.

Alan is on Twitter: @AlanGriggs8

Find out more

Updates direct to your door

Twice a year Alan sends out a newsletter to farms throughout the High Peak, Derbyshire Dales, Amber Valley and South Derbyshire. Copies of these can be accessed by clicking the links below. In 2019 the format changed from a letter to an A5 booklet. If you would like to receive a copy direct, please contact Alan direct (details below) and he will get your details added to our distribution list.

Autumn/Winter 2022

June 2021

December 2020

June 2020

November 2019

June 2019

Autumn 2018

Spring 2018

Straight to your Inbox

To receive a digital copy of the DRC Newsletter please subscribe using the link below.


Harvest Festival

Each year Alan organises a Harvest Festival at the Livestock Market in Bakewell.  This is a lovely services with many guests to provide a musical and interesting service and is enjoyed by a growing audience each year. Keep an eye on our website for details.

If you would like to be added to the circulation list to receive the newsletter by post please DRC.

Contact DRC