With the cap on typical annual energy bills set to rise from £1,971 to £2,500 this month, so many of us are worried about the potential effects of a cost-of-living crisis that feels increasingly out-of-control.  

Yet, for some, the impact of this crisis is beyond worrying, with more and more families being pushed towards the breadline. This is particularly the case in rural areas, where a greater reliance on cars, lower availability of low-price supermarkets and fewer employment opportunities are creating an additional strain on incomes. A report from Action for Communities in Rural England states that as many as 30% of households in the countryside could soon be living in fuel poverty. It’s rarely been as serious as this.  

The Government has announced plans to ease the pressure - namely in the form of a £400 energy bills discount, which will be paid in six instalments to help families through a tough winter, alongside the revised, lower typical cap. However, while these are welcome announcements for many, for others it still won’t be enough to put food on the table or power the radiators during cold December evenings.  

One of our elderly beneficiaries is expecting the price of his solid fuel to double this year and could be as much at £380 a month. Simply put, £400 won’t be enough for him to stay warm this winter

Keeping the house warm will prove even more challenging for those living off the mains gas grid. That’s because the cost of alternative heating methods, including oil, LPG and solid fuel, is not even capped - it can continue to rise without intervention. One of our elderly beneficiaries is expecting the price of his solid fuel to double this year and could be as much at £380 a month. Simply put, £400 won’t be enough for him to stay warm this winter.  

This is why we’re encouraging those who are not reliant on the money received from energy bill discounts to donate them to charities like ours. While it is clear that everyone will benefit from a little extra help at the moment, some are in need of greater support than others, and every contribution to Rural Action Derbyshire goes towards providing vital services to those in need.  

Although Government action alone may not be enough to cover rising fuel costs for many, your support can make a real difference - with donations to our Oil Bank helping to supply oil to those who would otherwise no longer be able to heat their homes. Money raised can also be used to restart our Rural Hardship Fund, which provided £17,000 worth of cash, food and household items to the most vulnerable before it was recently brought to a halt due to funding issues.   

So, if you are not in desperate need of your discount, please consider giving it to those who are. Every penny will go towards supporting people who may not be able to deal with the ever-growing cost-of-living, and who are at serious risk of being overlooked. Your contributions are, as always, greatly appreciated - and can help to change lives across Derbyshire.

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