Blogs Opening the Door to the Digital World It almost goes without saying that being online is so important these days. From internet banking to jumping on Zoom with loved ones, searching for job opportunities to paying bills, the influence of technology has expanded into every aspect of our lives. But for so many people living in rural Derbyshire, the digital world can still be out of reach. Whether it is the soaring cost of living forcing young families to choose the weekly shop over access to WiFi, or older residents being too anxious to take that first step into this vast, unpredictable sphere, thousands are being left behind as technology continues to develop. In fact, around 62,000 people in Derbyshire have never used the internet, according to Citizens Online. That’s almost 10% - a truly staggering amount. Gaining reliable, trustworthy access to the virtual world is even more challenging in rural areas. Digital connectivity is 17% lower in the countryside than in cities, the Rural Services Network has found, and with the price of energy and food skyrocketing in recent months, those able to afford dependable broadband is likely to fall further in the near future. By working with voluntary and community organisations across the county we will map the digital support available, identify where there are gaps and help local groups to set up their own digital support groups Yet we at Rural Action Derbyshire are doing everything we can to help. We have recently launched a new project which focuses on ‘Tackling the Digital Divide in Derbyshire’. Backed by NHS Charities Together, this innovative programme aims to work with communities, organisations and individuals to create a digital support network throughout the county, meaning people in rural areas can take advantage of vital services that can only be found online - regardless of age, income or location. By working with voluntary and community organisations across the county we will map the digital support available, identify where there are gaps and help local groups to set up their own digital support groups with volunteer Digital Champions to provide guidance and advice, to people in local hubs like village halls and community pantries, so those who are in need of support can find it in familiar, friendly surroundings - all for free. Rather than being bombarded with information from tech professionals, we at RAD will enable community groups to offer reliable internet services with trained Champions to pass on the essentials in a simple, easy-to-understand manner - cutting out the jargon to lower barriers of entry for those who require support. Through this, it is hoped those without access to the internet can make the most of the opportunities provided by the virtual world, opening the door to an improved quality of life. Whether used for finding a new job, gaining access to increasingly crucial financial support or making an appointment with a GP, the internet is a vital resource for fighting poverty and improving wellbeing, and we aim to expand connectivity as far as possible when our service launches. Together, we can make sure no one is left behind by an increasingly digital world. Digital Support Derbyshire Manage Cookie Preferences