What We Do Buying Oil LPG LPG Bulk LPG To ensure you are getting a good deal, you may wish to review your bulk LPG contract when it comes up for renewal rather than just extending it with your current supplier. You can only change supplier of your bulk LPG if you are at the end of your current LPG contract. Your current provider will contact you before your contract period ends to inform you when it ends and what the price of the new contract will be from that date onwards. You DO NOT have to accept this, but if you do nothing then your contract will automatically be updated to the new price. Once you know what their new price is, use this as your benchmark and then contact other LPG providers who deliver to your area. Ask them for a quote. You can then go back to your current supplier and tell them you have a cheaper price and you are prepared to change supplier to move over to the cheaper LPG. It is quite possible your current supplier will then match the lowest price you have been able to find. If not, change suppliers. It really is that simple. We are no longer able to negotiate LPG bulk prices at present. We hope to renegotiate a deal with one of the main providers in the near future so will update this page when we have some news. We then hope to be able to offer any home, business or community building in Derbyshire access to affordable LPG. January 2022 Energy prices are high at the moment, across the board. It is important to get at least two, if not more, prices from different lpg suppliers. They don’t always quote in exactly the same way. Their pence per litre price is easy to compare, but their standing charges are often presented in different ways which makes a direct comparison less easy to work out. Don’t just go for the cheapest pence per litre price, check out the other charges too. You might want to try and fix a price for as long as you can as prices are unlikely to drop any time soon. Most suppliers will fix a price for a certain length of time, let’s say 12 months, but your contract period may be for 2 years. You therefore also need to find out what the expectation is for price rise in the second year of your contract. They should be able to give you a guarantee that the price will not increase by more than xx%, but check this and get it in writing. Short privacy notice Where you have made an enquiry regarding LPG we store your personal data to pass your enquiry onto Swift Energy Consultants. Rural Action Derbyshire takes your privacy seriously. The latest full privacy statement for the Oil Buying Scheme and LPG enquiries can be found here or can be provided in hard copy on request. If you have any questions regarding your personal data we can be contacted by: Telephone: 01629 592970 Email: [email protected] Post: Rural Action Derbyshire, Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3NN Manage Cookie Preferences