The Bishop of Derby Visit

The official installation of Bishop Libby took place at Derby Cathedral on Saturday 25th May. Emily Brailslford, our Chaplain to Young Farmers was at the service as she gave a reading. RAD received an invitation to the event so Beverley Parker our CEO, alsong with Helena Stubbs, our Village Halls Adviser also went along. 

We were delighted to welcome the Bishop of Derby to our office on Thursday 30th May.  The Rt. Revd. Libby Lane spent the day in the Carsington Deanery area with Revd. Duncan Ballard. They started off at St Oswald's Church for Holy Communion before going on to to Tissington for the Well Dressing service. After a picnic lunch she visited Longcliffe Quarry and then Haarlem Artspace in Wirksworth.

She arrived at our office in Matlock at 4.30pm and was greeted by some staff and trustees. Cups of tea and an Apple & Lemon cake made my one of the staff team got proceedings underway.  Bishop Libby proved to be most perceptive and interested in the various strands of our work.

She was already familiar with our Agricultural Chaplaincy project which supports the farming community throughout the county. Emily Brailsford is our Chaplain to Young Farmers, the only chaplain in the country specialising in support for young farmers. 

Laura Mitchell, Project Manager for Wheels to Work & Wellbeing spoke about the success of the project, now in its 16th year and providing travel solutions for people through moped loans, bicycle provision and in some cases temporary help with travel costs if mopeds and bikes are not suitable.

Bishop Libby heard from other staff and trustees about various aspects of work we deliver and there was some discussion about how the work of the Diocese and that of RAD does overlap in places so it is anticipated that the relationship between the two organisations will continue to develop. 

At present the Diocese does support our work through the Agricultural Chaplaincy project, but also through the Feeding Derbyshire alliance. This project helps to tackle the issues around food security and has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to increase the provision of Food & Fun Clubs during the summer holidays.

The Bishop gave us a wonderful wooden plaque as a gift for hosting her visit. It will be a treasured momento and one that we will ensure continues to be highly visible as a reminder of the day. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Revd. Duncan Ballard for bringing Bishop Libby along to visit us and we would like to wish her the best of luck in her new role. 


If you would like more information about our work, please contact us at [email protected] or call 01629 592970.