Funding Scheme

The Derbyshire Environmental Trust (DET) is again repeating it’s own funding scheme in 2020/21. The Trust has yet to confirm the amount available for distribution but this is not expected to exceed £40,000. In view of the Coronavirus pandemic there is a preference for awarding a larger number of small to medium sized grants, thereby benefitting a greater number of organisations, rather than one or two larger awards. The Scheme has operated annually since 2016/17 and a decision about future years will be made in due course.

The timetable is anticipated to be:

July 2020 onwards – Publicise availability of funding, advise potential applicants, issue press release and application packs to potential applicants.
28 September 2020 – closing date for submission of applications 
October – November 2020 – DET check / evaluate applications and raise any queries / request further details
27 November 2020 – final date for confirming outstanding details eg match funding, planning permission etc
December 2020 – DET Management Committee meeting to consider applications and make decisions
December 2020 / January 2021 – decisions communicated to applicants
January 2022 – funded projects to be completed

DET reserves the right to vary the above timetable or to not award any funding, depending on circumstances.
Derbyshire Environmental Trust, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG
Telephone: 07787 266 578 (Sarah) or 07812 472 979 (Sally)
email: [email protected]

Guidance Notes