The Government’s Essential Digital Skills Framework outlines five skill categories that are essential for everyday life and work:

1. Communicating

2. Handling information and content

3. Problem-solving

4. Transacting

5. Being safe online

According to The Good things Foundation "Online safety is central to what being ‘digitally included’ means. It is especially important for people who are new or limited users of the internet (often older people, and working-age adults with low educational attainment and low incomes) and those in vulnerable situations. 

"Covid-19 has revealed the value of digital technology in our lives – enabling many of us to learn, earn, stay safe, informed, and connected. It has also raised major concerns about digital exclusion, as too many have been locked out of these benefits...There have also been reports of a rise in online abuse, online scams, online consumer harms relating to mental health, and the spread of misinformation and disinformation during the pandemic."

These information pages are intended to be a repository for 'online safety' information and links that may be of use to Derbyshire residents, and those setting up and running Digital Inclusion projects in the county.

Please let us know if there is anything you would like to share or add by contacting Jo at [email protected]

Everyday Objects that can lead to Identity Theft

Protect yourself from Scams and Viruses

Digital MOT and Cyber Security Toolkit

Using a Shared Device Safely

'Stay Safe Online' Resources for Digital Champions

Keeping Your Children Safe Online

A Blog from Tracy Coates