Celebrating the Voluntary Sector

Come along to a service at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 9th June at 2.30pm.

It is not without irony that I am writing about this celebration of the voluntary sector, having just written a piece about the DCC consultation to end funding for the same sector! You can read it here.

The voluntary and community sector is such a powerful, hard-working and largely unrecognised group of organisations, community groups, paid staff and volunteers that have a massive impact across all of Derby and Derbyshire.  

If you look at any local newspaper, magazine or parish/village newsletter you will see countless events and activities taking place that are run by volunteers.

There are so many services available to marginalised and vulnerable people which are run by voluntary sector organisations, often with funding from the public sector. Here are a few:

Befriending services, social activities to prevent isolation, lunch clubs, specialist advice services, BME community support, U3A, digital support, training volunteers and many, many more. 

Here at RAD our staff team, mostly made up of part-time workers, works tirelessly to have as much impact as possible. We work with amazing volunteers through our Feeding Derbyshire network, digital inclusion and rural domestic abuse work.

We are delighted to be involved in the Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving, along with Derbyshire Lieutenancy, the Dean of Derby, Community Action Derby and Foundation Derbyshire.

The service is an opportunity celebrate. Anyone and everyone who has a connection to the voluntary and community sector is very welcome to come along. Bring friends along who you think would benefit from learning about the power of volunteering.

Sunday 9th June 2024 at 2.30pm

Derby Cathedral


or contact Trish Thistlewood on 01332 341 201 or email [email protected]