What We Do Village Halls & Community Buildings Safeguarding for Village Halls The Importance of Safeguarding A Safeguarding Policy is an essential requirement by the Charity Commission. Thanks to our work with ACRE, we can make sure that the voluntary management committees that run halls and community buildings have the knowledge and confidence to provide a safe environment for all. Advice and examples of best practice will be shared with those managing and using village and community halls so that they fully understand their responsibilities and have appropriate and proportionate policies and procedures in place. Useful Links: ACRE Safeguarding Information NCVO Safeguarding information https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/safeguarding NSPCC child protection guidance https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/safeguarding-child-protection/voluntary-community-groups/ Safeguarding concerns: practice example – hiring out space https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/safeguarding-child-protection/safeguarding-concerns-practice-examples/ Safeguarding guidance for disabled children and adults at risk https://www.anncrafttrust.org/resources/ Derbyshire Learning Online Safer Derbyshire offer many online training courses, you will need to request an account in order to access the resources https://www.saferderbyshire.gov.uk/training-and-resources/courses-and-bookings/courses-and-bookings.aspx ACRE Information Sheets that can assist Village Halls to consider their safeguarding responsibilities (these can be purchased from us for £10 each, or £5 for Affiliates): 5. Safeguarding (March 2022) - This information Sheet also includes a model policy 17. Trustees – roles and responsibilities (June 2016) 21. Overnight accommodation in village halls (January 2021) 22. Managing employees and volunteers (December 2015) Guidance on handling safeguarding allegations in a charity The portal, at https://safeguarding.culture.gov.uk/ offers a step by step guide to help charities correctly manage their concerns, identify the right people to contact if needed and access helpful resources and advice. Every organisation that delivers charitable activities has a responsibility to safeguard people from harm or abuse, whether they are staff members, volunteers, or other people who come into contact with your charity through its work. This tool will help charities in England to handle the reporting of safeguarding allegations about the behaviour or actions of a person in their charity. This link provides the Government statutory guidance, definitions, and responsibilities (A useful reference guide) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/care-act-statutory-guidance/care-and-support-statutory-guidance#safeguarding-1 Manage Cookie Preferences