Win a painting of your village hall by renowned local artist, Carol Hill

This year Rural Action Derbyshire is celebrating 100 years of service.  

To mark the centenary of delivering information, advice and support to the management committees of rural village halls, we are running this unique competition. 

All you need to do is submit a photograph of your hall before the end of May 2024 when the judging panel will then announce the winner.

Renowned local artist, Carol Hill, will visit the winning hall to meet with the committee in preparation of turning the photograph into a painting which the hall will be able to keep.

The Competition 

The Village Halls and Community Buildings of Derbyshire are invited to take part in the Print 2 Paint competition by photographing their Hall or Building and submitting it to a panel of judges. 

The winner will be selected and have their photograph turned into a painting by talented local artist, Carol Hall.

The 11 runners-up, as well as the winner, will have their Village Hall photograph featured in the special edition RAD 2025 Calendar. 

The Artist – Carol Hill 

Carol has been painting since the 1960s and paints in both watercolour and oils. She lived in the Far East for 12 years and learnt to paint Chinese painting as well as attending the Hong Kong University to study art. 

She is a Full Member of the Society of Women Artists (SWA) and a Full Member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA). In April 2009, Carol was awarded the HRH Princess Michael of Kent Watercolour Award for the most outstanding watercolour painting in the Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. 

She has also demonstrated watercolours at the Mall Galleries, London, as well as critique evenings for watercolours and oils throughout the UK, Switzerland and Australia. 

Carol was delighted when RAD approached her to do a painting of the winner of the Print 2 Paint competition winner, and is looking forward to seeing the photographic work that is produced and submitted. 

Many village halls are thriving and becomes the centre point in a village or it can be a place of no significance, neglected or perhaps too  expensive to rent out to various clubs and societies. The village halls are crucial for people young or old to come together, especially doing an activity or meeting together. The village halls are invaluable and should be nurtured for the future. 

Carol says that her painting will be a gift to the winner, and she cannot wait to get started on this project of village halls in our beautiful county of Derbyshire. 

The Rules 

  • One entry per Village Hall.

  • No people are to be present in the photograph.
  • Entry should not have been submitted to any previous competitions.

Key Dates 

  • 31st May 2024 - Entries to the competition close.
  • w/c 10th June – Winner Announced
  • November 2024 - Painting revealed 

Judging Panel 

Carol Hill - Artist 

Beverley ParkerRAD Chief Executive Officer 

Rona Rawson Rural Community Development Officer

Nick Archer RAD Marketing Assistant & Professional Photographer

Photography Workshop 

To help contestants to take the very best photo they can, RAD’s own in-house photographer Nick Archer delivered an Online Photography Workshop. It covers the fundamentals of photography and composition. The workshop was live, allowing participants to ask questions. It was also recorded and is available below for those who could not attend but still wish to learn from the workshop. The slides from the workshop will are also made available to download below.



How to Submit 

By email attachment or by link to a cloud drive such as Google, Dropbox or WeTransfer.

Send submissions to [email protected] by midnight on the 31st May 2024

Please do not send by text, Facebook or WhatsApp.