To be able to access  a wide range of specialist advice, support and information for village halls and community buildings you will need to join our Affiliation Scheme. It costs just £30 per calendar year. The earlier in the year you sign up, the longer you will have access to the benefits.

You'll receive:

  1. Tailored Advice and Support: Our experienced team is here to provide personalised guidance to help you manage your village hall or community building effectively.
  2. E-bulletins and Monthly Newsletters: Stay informed with our regular newsletters, useful updates, resources, and community success stories.
  3. Access to Affiliates Zone on Rural Action Derbyshire website: Will contain useful information to assist management committees with governance, funding, employment, health & safety and much more.
  4. Discounted Event Tickets and Resources: As an affiliate, you'll enjoy special pricing on event tickets and access to a wealth of resources to support your community initiatives.
  5. Influence Future Community Programmes: Joining our affiliation scheme gives you the opportunity to have a say in shaping future community initiatives.
  6. Free resource on joining: You will receive by post, a copy of the ACRE Village Hall Management Checklist, which will accompany your Affiliation Certificate
  7. Free membership of Rural Action Derbyshire: Keeping you up to date with RAD's news and events. For more information follow this link.

It is just £30 per calendar year (1st January to 31st December each year).

Please complete the form by clicking the link below to join our new Affiliation Scheme. No payment required at the sign up stage, an invoice will be issued so you will be able to pay by BACS transfer.


If you have any queries, please contact me.

Please note from 1st January 2024:

Non-affiliate Village Hall and Community Buildings Trustees and stakeholders can no longer be able to access free advice via email or telephone. Access to Events and Resources will be available, but these will be charged at full price.  They can also remain registered to receive basic E-bulletins (this will not include the monthly newsletter).